Suresign Finecare
SAA (Serum Amyloid A) Rapid Quantitative Test
Finecare SAA (Serum Amyloid A) test for the determination of inflammation
Acute-phase Serum Amyloid A proteins (A-SAAs) are secreted during the acute phase of inflammation. These proteins have several roles, including the transport of cholesterol to the liver for secretion into the bile, the recruitment of immune cells to inflammatory sites, and the induction of enzymes that degrade extracellular matrix. A-SAAs are implicated in several chronic inflammatory diseases, such as amyloidosis, atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Easy to use
- No analyser calibration required.
- Virtually maintenance free analyser.
- Tests only require a small aliquot of venous blood, serum or plasma.
- Familiar cassette technology.
- Rapid 15 minute read time.
- 25 test kit for low usage sites.
- Room temperature storage.
- Long shelf life.
- Sample types – venous whole blood, serum, plasma.
- Linear range: 1.0 – 300mg/L.
- All tests provide quantitative results.
- Wide range of tests are available on the Finecare Plus Analyser.
- Laboratory standard results.
- Automated reading eliminates subjectivity & administrative errors.
- Simple technology = reliable technology.