Suresign Finecare
PSA & fPSA Tests
Finecare PSA & fPSA to determine Prostate disease
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen), a serine protease, is secreted by the prostate gland epithelial cells. TPSA (Total PSA), which can be immune detected, includes free PSA & PSA-ACT complex. In males, PSA screening can be used as one of the diagnostic indexes of early prostate cancer. Raised PSA levels are associated with prostate disease, including prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) & prostate cancer (PCa). Patients with BPH have a significantly higher percentage of free PSA than patients with PCa. Therefore, the FPSA/TPSA ratio can be used in the differential diagnosis between prostate cancer & benign prostatic hyperplasia. The determination of PSA & fPSA levels are recognised as an important measurement in the assessment of prostate cancer.
Easy to use
- No analyser calibration required.
- Virtually maintenance free analyser.
- Tests only require a small aliquot of venous blood, serum or plasma.
- Familiar cassette technology.
- Rapid 15 minute read time.
- 25 test kit for low usage sites.
- Room temperature storage.
- Long shelf life.
- Assay Range: PSA: 2.0-100.0ng/ml, fPSA: 0.2-30ng/ml.
- Detection Limit (Analytical Sensitivity): PSA: </= 2.0ng/ml, fPSA: 0.2ng/ml.
- All tests provide quantitative results.
- Wide range of tests are available on the Finecare Plus Analyser.
- Laboratory standard results.
- Automated reading eliminates subjectivity & administrative errors.
- Simple technology = reliable technology